Monday, December 27, 2010


For Christmas my brother and sister-in-law got me a Wacom Bamboo drawing tablet. I went to a how-to-draw cartoons site and found this snake. So I drew it. I think I did okay considering I hardly know how to draw.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Expanding the ol' horizons

I was in Chapters this evening, thinking about how great magazines are. There are so many! It seems like there's one per interest, no matter how obscure. I reckoned that reading them might give great insight into different types of humans. They might help me expand my horizons.

So my plan is to read one magazine in a new subject area each week or two. I'm starting with 'Horse & Rider' and moving on to 'Heritage Railway' afterwards.

Yes, soon I'll be able to shoot the bull with horse enthusiasts, but that's not all. This reading plan will hopefully lead to new hobbies and interests. One day I hope to find it hard to find time to blog. I'll be too busy being enthusiastic about steam trains or another fine topic.

Photograph of horses by Trevor Lowe (

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yesterday I purchased an iPhone at the ol' mall. I went into the store with a status level of 20/100 and when I got out, I was up to 80/100. Girls started noticing me. Guys started walking around me instead of doing that thing where they slam you with their shoulder when passing. It felt great.

People aged 50+ kept treating me the same, however, so I went to Zellers and bought some long johns. I'm wearing them right now for the first time and once I step outside I think the 50+ contingent will treat me with respect.

That cupcake was the first picture I took with my phone. It was delicious.