Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silly goose

I went walking along the river and saw a goose, so I took a picture of most of it:

It was very calm despite my being fairly close. It must see plenty of people. I wanted to edge closer and closer to see what its limit for closeness might be. Best case scenario, I would spend the rest of my day carrying a goose. Worst case scenario, I'd be the guy fighting a goose down by the river. And I don't ever want to be that guy. I left the goose alone.* You always regret the things you don't do.

This past weekend I took a trip to Unity, Saskatchewan (pop. 2759). That's my birthtown and is where my grandparents live. My mom, my brother, and his whole family were there. We played games, checked out the playground, went to the ice cream parlour**, and visited the outdoor history museum. To help prove it, here's a picture of my brother in an old fire truck:

The end.

* Not literally. He actually had a friend or relative nearby.

** It's just a normal looking ice cream shoppe***, but because it's in a small town I have to call it a parlour to make it seem quaint and olde****-fashioned.

*** Oh man, I did it again.

**** I can't stop!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Snow, sun, guitar, lesbians


I stepped out of my girly apartment in mid-April and this is what I saw:

It always snows a few times in April/May here but it always seems like a fun surprise.

There is an unspoken rule that Calgarians follow: you must act as though this didn't happen last year, the year before that, and so on.

I think this behaviour, and a lot of human behaviour, can be explained by this fact: humans really love to complain. And if there's a shared complaint, people really bond over it.


After the snow melted I wandered around neighbourhoods I had never been in before. There were houses, houses, houses, and then there was this:

It looked really nice but it doesn't come through via the crap phone camera.

This city goes really quickly from neighbourhood to brush and back to neighbourhood. I like that.

I saw some fat geese on the frozen reservoir nearby.


Here is a pic of my brand new guitar:

Sometimes when I'm playing it I give it a kiss because it's beautiful.

My friend Ian and I are playing 'draw and folder over' but musically. He sent a beat and I played some guitar on top and now he's adding something. It's hard.


I found a great blog written by a lesbian geared towards other lesbians and her posts are mostly good because she's a good story teller, but they're also good because she writes short paragraphs interspersed with images (of attractive girls, usually).

I'm trying to copy her style a bit to make this one more fun to read. Now I just need good stories.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Homemade standing desk

I've been wanting to try working at a standing / stand-up desk for a couple of months now but didn't want to buy a nice expensive one before knowing if I'd even like it or not. So I made this one.

That's my regular desk beneath with the legs extended as high as possible. The white boards holding the monitor and laptop are Lack wall shelves from Ikea (about $20 each). And the stuff elevating them is floral foam ($12 for 12 bricks), which I had no idea existed until today. I think it's used to make flower arrangements -- you stick a bunch of flower stems into it so each flower can be positioned how you like.

I'll be trying this bad boy out for the first time tomorrow. I bought that stool so I wouldn't have to stand all day, which I believe is just as bad for your back as sitting all day. I've got some running shoes to wear and soon hope to have one of those soft pads that cashiers stand on.

The shelf that the laptop is sitting on is 42 inches off the ground which may be an inch low for me (I'm 5'10" or 5'11" tall). We'll see.

This was a pretty cheap and easy way to make a stand-up desk. It looks nicer and seems more stable than some of the other homemade ones I saw on the internet. The only weak part is that the floral foam crumbles if you touch it. If I had known I would have tried to find another type of foam.

To my two blog readers (hi Jay and Annette), this post was long and boring because I want to help generate ideas for anyone looking to build their own desk. It helped me a lot to read other people's blog posts about it. Go see the movie Pay it Forward and you might* understand what I'm getting at.

* I haven't seen that movie but the trailer made things pretty clear.