Monday, October 29, 2007


Ok. I made it. I'm here. I did it. And it appears that I can post to my blog, but can't read my blog or other people's blogs. But your comments get e-mailed to me, so that's good.

Here's the summary:

Beijing is like this: picture Vancouver but with so much smog that you can look at the sun. Picture more Chinese people and Chinese lettering, and make the city bigger, and have more buildings. And take away the ocean. And remove the 7-Elevens. So I guess it's not much like Vancouver at all, then.

My hotel is fun because the brochure is helpful. This one page tells me that "It is honorable and refined that makes you the best of the fields." So true. And there's a product in the bathroom to help me clean my genitals. "Use this product on and around the pudenda by massaging for 2-3 minutes." If I can figure out where my pudenda is, I'll gladly massage it for 2-3 minutes.


Anonymous said...

CHINA! Wow. It sounds so much like Vancouver and not at all like Vancouver all at once. What an ENIGMA. I'm glad you arrived safely!

PS I'll ask Dr. Mike about that Pudenda business, but something tells me it might be your taint.
PPS Is it too crass to talk about taints on this site? Will Mao track me down?

Anonymous said...

BIggst LOL!!! in hist of WEBSURF!

Anonymous said...

Where are you in China? How do they block Blogs!? You can view some websites but not others? Also, long live China!

Anonymous said...

Also, how is the ginger beef? I am serious. I know that they have it there. Yes, they do. YES, they do.

Anonymous said...

The ginger beef is so good. I eat it all the time. I love it. I can't eat enough of the ginger beef here in Beijing, China.

Anonymous said...

I beijing they have Calgary Style Ginger Beef. I wish I wasn't so proud of that fact.