Friday, April 29, 2011

Snow, sun, guitar, lesbians


I stepped out of my girly apartment in mid-April and this is what I saw:

It always snows a few times in April/May here but it always seems like a fun surprise.

There is an unspoken rule that Calgarians follow: you must act as though this didn't happen last year, the year before that, and so on.

I think this behaviour, and a lot of human behaviour, can be explained by this fact: humans really love to complain. And if there's a shared complaint, people really bond over it.


After the snow melted I wandered around neighbourhoods I had never been in before. There were houses, houses, houses, and then there was this:

It looked really nice but it doesn't come through via the crap phone camera.

This city goes really quickly from neighbourhood to brush and back to neighbourhood. I like that.

I saw some fat geese on the frozen reservoir nearby.


Here is a pic of my brand new guitar:

Sometimes when I'm playing it I give it a kiss because it's beautiful.

My friend Ian and I are playing 'draw and folder over' but musically. He sent a beat and I played some guitar on top and now he's adding something. It's hard.


I found a great blog written by a lesbian geared towards other lesbians and her posts are mostly good because she's a good story teller, but they're also good because she writes short paragraphs interspersed with images (of attractive girls, usually).

I'm trying to copy her style a bit to make this one more fun to read. Now I just need good stories.


Anonymous said...

I like what you've done here. Good topics, good discussion, good lesbian references.

Jay Mitchell said...

Sounds like a Serge Gainsbourg song!

Jay Mitchell said...

I've got a fever and the only cure is more "baby wants a bottle."

Jay Mitchell said...

In a story kick-off today, the team was asking me what the "baby wants a bottle" link in my browser toolbar was. And I showed them your blog and your profile page. We had a good chuckle about your movie choices of "Kill Bill, Anne of Green Gables, etc." We took the "etc." to mean that anything in that genre you like.

Mike said...

Jay, I am sorry to hear about the fever.

When I was in grade four we watched the first Anne movie in 30 minute installments, one per day, in preparation for a field trip to the Anne of Green Gables ballet production. I have watched the movie and its sequel at least ten times since then.

I suggest you watch it in installments at work. I think the inspiration that Anne, Gilbert, Matthew and Marilla can provide will more than make up for the loss in productivity.

Jay Mitchell said...

I have watched one or two of the Anne movies, when I was younger. One she may have been in a green gable, and one she may have been in Avonlea. However, I didn't watch them in installments, and never with a large group.

You may be interested to know that my captcha word to post this comment is, "codisman."