Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silly goose

I went walking along the river and saw a goose, so I took a picture of most of it:

It was very calm despite my being fairly close. It must see plenty of people. I wanted to edge closer and closer to see what its limit for closeness might be. Best case scenario, I would spend the rest of my day carrying a goose. Worst case scenario, I'd be the guy fighting a goose down by the river. And I don't ever want to be that guy. I left the goose alone.* You always regret the things you don't do.

This past weekend I took a trip to Unity, Saskatchewan (pop. 2759). That's my birthtown and is where my grandparents live. My mom, my brother, and his whole family were there. We played games, checked out the playground, went to the ice cream parlour**, and visited the outdoor history museum. To help prove it, here's a picture of my brother in an old fire truck:

The end.

* Not literally. He actually had a friend or relative nearby.

** It's just a normal looking ice cream shoppe***, but because it's in a small town I have to call it a parlour to make it seem quaint and olde****-fashioned.

*** Oh man, I did it again.

**** I can't stop!


Anonymous said...

Your posts may not come in high quantities, but the quality of said posts is through the roof! The very tall roof!!

Jay Mitchell said...

This post is another triumph!

When I was a boy, I lived near a large pond. There were a lot of ducks and geese. Geese are very powerful and mean. Even Canadian Geese! Therefore, little-boy-Jay avoided the geese. However, I did enjoy the ducks, and decided  to catch one. I lured them in with bread and, after several failed attempts, finally got one close enough and distracted enough to catch it. It was a male mallard, which is quite a catch! It struggled to get free, and about halfway home, I decided I had enough and let it go. It flew directly back to the pond. (You may ask, "But Jay, wouldn't he have done that anyway if you brought him all the way home?!" To which, I would reply, "No! You are forgetting that I raised pigeons and had a pigeon pen!" I would have only had to let him go once my parents found out I had a duck in my pigeon pen.)

I do not regret catching that duck. In many ways it was one of my finest achievements. Having said that, if you tried to catch that goose, you would have been hurt pretty badly.

The pride of Unity returns! Parlo(u)r can also be a euphemism for a brothel, but I didn't see that in your footnotes, so I have to believe they were only serving iced cream. Is it typically the case with museums in Canada that they let the guests climb in and around the exhibits?

Jay Mitchell said...

I always have to leave a second comment to get emails about other comments on this post. (Sorry.)

Mike said...

Jay, please start a blog about the adventures of little-boy-Jay. I think we'd all like to hear more.

You're right that I would have been hurt by that goose. I once fed bread to a group of about 15 geese and they started getting pretty riled up and aggressive, so I learned that they're not peace loving animals.

As for museums, I would recommend you don't climb in and around the exhibits in general*. This was a special case because it was an outdoor museum in a small town, had no employees, no admission fees, no roped off areas, and no signs saying not to.

* Different rules apply for science centres, though.

Jay Mitchell said...

Codezy_PT said...

I was really excited to see after hearing the Mallard story, but then realised a website of that nature has a finite limit bounded by the amount of wildlife you caught as baby jay....Perhaps if you visited a psychiatrist he could hypnotise you and possibly dreg back an additional animal catching story you had suppressed which in turn would yield a new blog entry. Anyhow just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing which ones stick.