Thursday, November 7, 2013

Not geese. Boston.

Hello there.  So here's the thing: I just took a vacation to the hit city 'Boston' and would like to share my experiences with you. Maybe it will help for when you go to 'Boston'.

Being in Boston reminded me of living in the U.S.A. because they use the same money and language and also it technically is part of the U.S.A.  I had forgotten many great things about the U.S.A., like how each 7-Eleven is assigned a homeless man to open the door for you.

If you travel to Boston in the fall, you will find it to be very 'nice'. Please see the picture to the left.

One thing I did in Boston is visit Harvard.  Here is a picture of part of it:

Being at Harvard was neat because smart people go there.  You're not supposed to enter most of the buildings if you're a tourist but I entered one.  Then I entered the bathroom, where I got to hear a Harvard student or staff member pooping!  They poop like we all do, or at least make the same sounds.

Then I went to a natural history museum where they were perpetuating the myth of the dinosaur:

And also the myth of the leopard:

One thing I learned at Harvard is why people take pictures of things in museums. It's for our blogs! Leave us alone!

After I was done learning things at Harvard, I went to M.I.T.  It was one of my favourite parts of the trip but I have nothing to say about it.  Please look at the photo of it to your left.
Now look at this photo on the right.  It's of Paul Revere* wearing a Red Sox jersey.  The Red Sox is a baseball team that I would have liked to watch but I didn't want to pay $900 to $2500 for a ticket.  But I did take a tour of Fenway Park, the oldest baseball stadium.  At the end we all got to lick the first ball pitched by Babe Ruth in the 1918 World Series championships.

I did get to watch a hockey game, though.  I sat beside two people from Prince Edward Island.  It turns out people from Canada actually do say words like 'about' funny!
On my trip I ate many things.  I probably ate something almost every day.  One thing I ate is a cannoli, shown on the left. They seem to be a 'thing' at the bakeries in the Italian neighbourhood and I like 'things'.

Oh oh oh! I almost forgot to mention that I also visited New York City, briefly. In New York City they have pizza and they have what's in the picture on the right. I hope you can see it. If you can't, it's a man in a wizard hat and round sunglasses sitting with a monkey on the back of a phoenix.**  What a city, what a city.

* This is actually just a statue of Paul.

** This is actually just a statue of a man in a wizard hat and round sunglasses sitting with a monkey on the back of a phoenix.


annette said...

I really enjoyed this "post." Especially the part where I got to pretend to eat a "cannoli", though I'm afraid I must confess it appeared as though I was miming some sort of pornographic act to outside viewers.

Mike said...

Dear Annette, I am one of those viewers. We stand outside your house and watch your antics. Although it was strange watching you mime-eat a cannoli, it was even stranger when you tried to mime-eat objects from all the other photos. You owe it to your theatre training that we could all tell you were eating a statue of Paul Revere.

Codezy_PT said...

First off, I wonder if you have your readership crying "fowl" because you decided to write about your migration to Boston as opposed to Geese which I think is what your readership comes to gander at. Aside from the deviation, it is nice to see a post again. I really enjoyed the post about the "really enjoyed this "post"".